Can Apple Watch Go in Sauna? Exploring the Risks and Benefits

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In recent years, wearable technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. These gadgets give us useful information about our fitness and health, from counting our steps to monitoring our heart rates. The Apple Watch stands out among these devices as a well-liked option, offering a variety of features and functionalities.

The Apple Watch can withstand extreme conditions, such as the intense heat and humidity of a sauna, but this is a common query. The capabilities and restrictions of the Apple Watch in saunas and other similar settings will be discussed in this article.

Understanding the Apple Watch

Let’s quickly review the features and design of the Apple Watch before moving on to the sauna situation. Apple Watches come in a variety of models, but the majority have the same features. They have sensors that can measure your activity, track your heart rate, and keep an eye on other health-related information. Depending on the model, an Apple Watch can be made of ceramic, sapphire crystal, stainless steel, aluminum, or any combination of these.

Can Apple Watch Go in Sauna?

The operating temperature range for the Apple Watch is listed as 32°F to 95°F (0°C to 35°C). On the other hand, saunas can reach temperatures of up to 200°F (65°C), or even higher.

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This significant temperature difference between the recommended operating conditions of the watch and the extreme heat of a sauna raises concerns about whether it’s safe to wear your Apple Watch inside a sauna.

Risks of Wearing an Apple Watch in a Sauna

can apple watch ultra go in sauna
can apple watch ultra go in sauna
Heat and Electronics Don’t Mix:

Extreme heat and electronics are not the best friends. Even though Apple built the watch to withstand a range of environmental conditions, prolonged exposure to such high temperatures runs the risk of overheating and damage.

Battery Life:

The battery life and general performance of the watch can suffer from prolonged exposure to extreme heat. High temperatures may cause the battery to drain more quickly or even suffer long-term damage.

Sweat and Moisture:

Sweating is a normal part of the experience in a sauna because they are warm, humid environments. Although the Apple Watch is designed to be water-resistant, the effects of heat, humidity, and perspiration may still cause moisture to enter the device and harm it.

Comfort and Skin Irritation:

The increased sweating and potential skin sensitivity make wearing a smartwatch in a sauna uncomfortable. The watch itself can feel warm against your skin, and the watchband may start to feel uncomfortable.

Warranty Concerns     

Your Apple Watch’s warranty may be voided if you subject it to conditions outside of its recommended operating range. You might not be qualified for warranty repairs or replacements if the watch were to sustain damage as a result of sauna exposure.

Using Your Apple Watch in a Sauna

Although it may not be a good idea to use your Apple Watch in a sauna due to the possible risks, you can still benefit from monitoring your fitness and health in a sauna setting. Here are some alternatives to consider:

  • Use a Dedicated Fitness Tracker: If you’re committed to monitoring your health and fitness while in the sauna, consider using a dedicated fitness tracker or a heart rate monitor designed for high-temperature environments.
  • Take Off Your Watch: The simplest solution is to remove your Apple Watch before entering the sauna. You can leave it in a cool, dry place outside the sauna and put it back on when you’re done.
  • Invest in a Sauna-Safe Smartwatch: Some smartwatches are specifically designed to withstand high temperatures and moisture. While they may not offer all the features of an Apple Watch, they can be a suitable option if sauna use is a regular part of your routine.
  • Sync Data After the Session: If you’re concerned about missing out on tracking data, sync your Apple Watch with your iPhone or other compatible devices after your sauna session. This way, you can still review and analyze your health and fitness data once you’re out of the sauna.
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The extreme heat and humidity present in a sauna make the idea of using your Apple Watch there convenient, but it also carries a number of serious risks. It’s best to keep your smartwatch out of these situations if you want to maximize its performance and lifespan.

Instead, while taking advantage of the sauna experience, think about substitute ways to keep track of your fitness and health. When it comes to your priceless tech devices, safety should always come first.


Not recommended: extreme heat and humidity may damage the watch.


Wearing an Apple Watch in a sauna is not advised, just like bringing your iPhone is not advised. The sauna’s intense heat and humidity can harm the watch and possibly cause it to malfunction. The watch’s water resistance may also be harmed by the sauna environment.

In a sauna or steam room, do not wear AirPods. Avoid exposing AirPods to water that is moving quickly, such as when water skiing. Keep your AirPods from being dropped or subjected to other impacts.

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