Editorial Process

At BeingSauna, we take pride in our commitment to providing our readers with the most accurate and trustworthy information possible. Our editorial process is comprehensive and relies on original research, studies, and industry guidance to ensure the highest standards of journalism and writing.

Our Content Goals:

Earn the Trust of Our Readers:

Building and maintaining trust with our readers is of utmost importance to us. We strive to answer reader questions and explain topics with utmost accuracy and comprehensiveness. Our goal is to become a reliable and trusted source of information about saunas, covering aspects like usage, building, buying, and learning more about saunas.

To achieve this, we exercise caution and diligence to avoid making exaggerative, false, or untrue claims in any of our content. We diligently cite reputable sources and back up all facts and figures presented in our articles.

Commit to a High Standard of Journalism and Writing:

Every article published on BeingSauna undergoes a rigorous journalistic process to ensure that news, informational, and educational content is fair, balanced, accurate, timely, comprehensive, and thoroughly researched.

Our Editorial Process:

  • Topic Identification and Prioritization: The editorial team identifies and prioritizes article topics to deliver maximum value to our readers.
  • Comprehensive Outlining: Each article is outlined to ensure it provides the most comprehensive answer or explanation to the given question or topic.
  • Writer Training and Guidelines: Our writers undergo thorough training and adhere to strict guidelines, ensuring proper formatting, readability, and accurate sourcing of information with proper citation within the article. Regular feedback and coaching support their growth.
  • Editorial Review: Submitted articles undergo a meticulous review by the editorial team to ensure accuracy. Cited sources are checked for authenticity, and the article’s content is compared against existing resources to ensure it offers enhanced value to the reader.
  • Product and Brand Vetting: Any products or brands mentioned in the content are meticulously vetted for quality and relevance.
  • Final Check: The editor-in-chief conducts the third check of all content and formatting before scheduling the post for publication.

Continuously Monitor and Update Our Content:

We recognize that the sauna community is ever-evolving, and we embrace a continuous process of research and learning. While we aim to provide the best answers and explanations at the time of writing each article, we proactively check and update our content to ensure it remains relevant, useful, and accurate for our readers.

Every article includes a ‘published on’ date, indicating the original publication time. When existing content undergoes modification, the ‘last modified date’ is updated to reflect changes. In some instances, we may specifically mention updates to specific facts or figures within the content.

At BeingSauna, our editorial process is the backbone of our commitment to delivering reliable and valuable information to our readers. Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to guiding you on your sauna journey.